.- Relaciones
Sexuales tempranas: para algunos
el explorar el mundo de la sexualidad
temprana no es un problema sino más bien un placer; sin embargo para un gran
porcentaje de ellos es un dolor de
. Para la sociedad moderna, es un problema que origina grandes
consecuencias como los embarazos precoces y las enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Este tema lo catalogo como
de los principales problemas que
atraviesa un adolescente porque el asumir
la sexualidad de manera responsable es sin duda una decisión de madurez.
2.- Embarazos
no deseados: aunque existe mucha información sobre educación sexual y
métodos anticonceptivos, la inmadurez de involucrarse en relaciones sexuales
tempranas conlleva a consecuencias irreparables como los embarazos no
deseados. Venezuela lideresa los principales puestos en las estadísticas
en América Central de embarazos en adolescentes.
3.- Consumo
de Alcohol: el consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes es cada vez más
notorio, en muchas de las fiestas de cumpleaños, sitios nocturnos y locales en Latinoamérica
ofrecen bebidas alcohólicas a menores de edad. Además de ser un medio
social para pertenecer a grupos y obtener aceptación.
4.- Iniciación
a las drogas: las drogas siguen siendo un método de
participación grupal, así como vía de escape ante situaciones familiares y
personales que los adolescentes no saben manejar. El tabaco, el alcohol son
drogas legales que los adolescentes consumen pero también hacen uso de la
Marihuana, Cocaína, Anfetaminas, Heroína y LSD.
5.- Trastornos
alimenticios: cada día vemos como emergen en consulta adolescentes con
trastornos alimenticios. Estas enfermedades tales como la Anorexia y
Bulimia, afectan tanto a chicas como a chicos y son cada vez más comunes.
La moda junto a la necesidad de ser aceptados y la baja autoestima deterioran
la imagen corporal que tenemos.
6.- Depresión
y trastornos emocionales: la depresión es otro de los problemas
que afectan a los adolescentes, debido a muchas causas tales como conflictos
familiares, acoso estudiantil (bullying), problemas de aprendizaje,
desilusiones amorosas, influencia de amistades inadecuadas, castigos severos, entre
otras más.
7.- Pandillas,
sectas: hay grupos de adolescentes que se forman por diferentes
razones, sin embargo cuando se trata de pandillas y sectas hablamos de conflictos
para los adolescentes, debido a sus consecuencias negativas en
comportamientos y actitudes afianzadas en la personalidad del adolescente.
8.- Conductas
agresivas: es una característica adolescente el rebelarse ante
situaciones y puntos de vista que no son aceptados, es por esto que escuchamos
que esta etapa es el periodo de "rebeldía"; sin embargo en un
porcentaje no muy bajo muchos adolescentes adoptan conductas agresivas para
poder ser respetados y aceptados.
9.- Bajo
rendimiento académico: mientras tenemos más vías de comunicación y
entretenimiento vemos como se convierten en la excusa principal de un bajo
rendimiento escolar. Sin embargo la falta de normas en el hogar y de métodos de
estudio son en realidad las principales causas de las calificaciones bajas.
10.- Conflictos
derivados del mal uso de la internet y las redes sociales: aunque es
una fuente rica en información y los medios más accesibles a la comunicación también
resultan en el blanco predilecto de depredadores sexuales, prostitución, pornografía,
drogas y adicciones.
. - Early sex: for some teens exploring the world of early sexuality is not
a problem but rather a pleasure; however
for a large percentage of them it is a headache. To
modern society, it is a problem that causes great consequences as early
pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. This
issue would rank as one of the main problems facing adolescent sexuality
because assume responsibly is certainly a mature decision.
2. Unwanted pregnancies: although there is a lot of information on sex education and contraception, the immaturity of engaging in early sex leads to irreparable consequences such as unwanted pregnancies. Venezuela leader leading positions in Central America statistics on teen pregnancy.
3. Alcohol: alcohol consumption in adolescents is becoming increasingly apparent in many of the birthday parties, nightclubs and local sites in Latin America offer alcoholic beverages to minors. Besides being a means to belong to social groups and gain acceptance.
4. Initiation to drugs: drugs are still a method of group participation, as well as an escape route to personal and family situations that teens know not handle. The snuff, alcohol is legal drugs that adolescents consume but also make use of marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin and LSD.
5. Eating Disorders: Every day we see emerging in consultation adolescents with eating disorders. These diseases such as anorexia and bulimia affect both girls and boys and are increasingly common. Fashion with the need to be accepted and low self-esteem deteriorates body image we have.
6. Depression and emotional disorders: depression is another problem affecting adolescents, due to many reasons such as family conflicts, student harassment (bullying), learning, loving disappointments, friendships improper influence, severe punishment , among others.
7. Gangs, sects are groups of adolescents, who are for different reasons, but when it comes to gangs and sects speak of conflict for teenagers, because of their negative behaviors and attitudes entrenched in the personality of the teenager consequences.
8. Aggressive behavior: the feature is a teenage rebel against situations and views that are not accepted, which is why we hear that this stage is the period of "rebellion"; yet in a very low percentage not many teenagers adopt aggressive behavior to be respected and accepted.
9. Poor academic performance: while we have more avenues of communication and entertainment as we become the main excuse for poor school performance. However the lack of standards in the home and study methods is actually the main causes of poor grades.
10. Disputes arising from the misuse of the Internet and social networks: though it is a rich source of information and communication more accessible to the media also are the favorite targets of sexual predators, prostitution, pornography, drugs and addictions.
2. Unwanted pregnancies: although there is a lot of information on sex education and contraception, the immaturity of engaging in early sex leads to irreparable consequences such as unwanted pregnancies. Venezuela leader leading positions in Central America statistics on teen pregnancy.
3. Alcohol: alcohol consumption in adolescents is becoming increasingly apparent in many of the birthday parties, nightclubs and local sites in Latin America offer alcoholic beverages to minors. Besides being a means to belong to social groups and gain acceptance.
4. Initiation to drugs: drugs are still a method of group participation, as well as an escape route to personal and family situations that teens know not handle. The snuff, alcohol is legal drugs that adolescents consume but also make use of marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin and LSD.
5. Eating Disorders: Every day we see emerging in consultation adolescents with eating disorders. These diseases such as anorexia and bulimia affect both girls and boys and are increasingly common. Fashion with the need to be accepted and low self-esteem deteriorates body image we have.
6. Depression and emotional disorders: depression is another problem affecting adolescents, due to many reasons such as family conflicts, student harassment (bullying), learning, loving disappointments, friendships improper influence, severe punishment , among others.
7. Gangs, sects are groups of adolescents, who are for different reasons, but when it comes to gangs and sects speak of conflict for teenagers, because of their negative behaviors and attitudes entrenched in the personality of the teenager consequences.
8. Aggressive behavior: the feature is a teenage rebel against situations and views that are not accepted, which is why we hear that this stage is the period of "rebellion"; yet in a very low percentage not many teenagers adopt aggressive behavior to be respected and accepted.
9. Poor academic performance: while we have more avenues of communication and entertainment as we become the main excuse for poor school performance. However the lack of standards in the home and study methods is actually the main causes of poor grades.
10. Disputes arising from the misuse of the Internet and social networks: though it is a rich source of information and communication more accessible to the media also are the favorite targets of sexual predators, prostitution, pornography, drugs and addictions.
La formación juega un papel muy importante en la
posibilidad de encontrar empleo. Pero la inserción laboral de los jóvenes, no
depende sólo de su nivel de formación sino también de su nivel de competencia
La Formación Profesional desarrolla capacidades
teóricas y prácticas, y prepara a sus alumnos en aquello que demandan las
Los títulos de Formación Profesional facilitan e
incentivan la movilidad internacional de estudiantes y trabajadores y los
prepara para los requerimientos de la sociedad de la información y del
Se puede decir que la formación profesional
genera beneficios económicos y sociales que son comunes a todos los países.
Tanto las personas como las empresas se benefician de esta formación,
repercutiendo estos beneficios en la sociedad y en la economía.
Training plays an important role in the ability to find employment. But the
employment of young people, not only depends on their level of training but
also on their level of professional competence.
Training develops theoretical and practical skills, and prepares students on what companies demand.
Training titles facilitate and encourage the international mobility of students and workers and prepare them for the requirements of the knowledge society.
It can be said that vocational training generates economic and social benefits that are common to all countries. Both people and businesses benefit from this training, these benefits impacting on society and the economy.
Training develops theoretical and practical skills, and prepares students on what companies demand.
Training titles facilitate and encourage the international mobility of students and workers and prepare them for the requirements of the knowledge society.
It can be said that vocational training generates economic and social benefits that are common to all countries. Both people and businesses benefit from this training, these benefits impacting on society and the economy.
Del latín
proiectus, el concepto de proyecto nombra el conjunto de actividades
coordinadas e interrelacionadas que buscan cumplir con un objetivo específico.
En este sentido, podría decirse que un proyecto de vida es la dirección
que una persona
marca para su propia existencia.
Latin proiectus, the concept of project names the coordinated set of interrelated activities that seek to achieve a specific goal. In this sense, one could say that a life is the direction a person brand for its own existence.
es interesante la problematica actual de los jovenes, capo este post me hizo reflexionar, te luciste